We are offering courses in Algorithms and Data Structures, Optimization, Metaheuristics, Constrained Optimization, Graph algorithms, and Algorithmic Geometry.
Project and Thesis Topics
We are always looking for enthusiastic students who are interested in a research project or thesis in our Bachelor and Master programs. Examples of topics for Projects, Bachelor and Master theses can be found here.
Courses offered in the 2025S term
Courses offered in the former 2024W term
Graduate Studies
Our group is involved in lectures and organization of the following programs:
Master Programs
- Master Program in Logic and Computation
(English language Master program) - Erasmus Mundus European Master Program in Computational Logic
(English language Master program with EU scholarships in collaboration with Dresden, Bolzano, Lisbon)
PhD Programs
- Doctoral Program Logical Methods in Computer Science
- Vienna Graduate School on Computational Optimization
- Vienna PhD School of Informatics
(yearly applications for 10-20 scholarships) - Doctoral program in Computer Science
(funding usually provided by advisor’s grants; please inquire with potential advisors)