Call For Papers

General information

Submissions of papers describing original, under review, or recently published work on all aspects of computational social choice are invited. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to computational issues that arise in the analysis of:

  • Voting and collective decision-making
    • Axiomatic properties
    • Manipulation, control, and bribery
    • Voting equilibria and dynamics
    • Delegation, proxy voting, and liquid democracy
    • Participatory budgeting
  • Preference representation and elicitation
  • Opinion diffusion and aggregation on social networks
  • Judgement aggregation, belief aggregation, and epistemic voting
  • Fair division, allocation, and matching
  • Coalition formation
  • Recommendation systems

We welcome theoretical, empirical and experimental work on these topics, including, in particular, research on algorithms (exact, approximate, parameterized, online and distributed), learning, logic, and simulations in the context of social choice. All submitted papers will be reviewed by the program committee. Accepted papers will be collected in informal workshop notes, as the workshop has no formal proceedings and the authors retain their copyright. To accommodate the publishing needs of different scientific communities, we stress that authors will retain the copyright of their papers and that submitting to COMSOC 2025 does not preclude publication of the same material in a journal or in a conference with formal proceedings. Each accepted paper will have to be presented by one of the authors, with the constraint that each workshop participant gives at most one talk (exceptions can be made due to unforeseen circumstances).

Submission Guidelines

Regular papers should not exceed 12 pages in length, excluding references, contact information, acknowledgements, and a clearly-marked appendix of arbitrary length that will be read at the discretion of the PC members. When preparing your submission, please follow these formatting instructions. The easiest way of doing so is to use the Latex typesetting system with the class file comsoc2025.cls. The formatting instructions are based on a sample file (comsoc2025.tex), which you can use as a starting point for your own paper (download full example from here). Submission is done through CMT . You can revise your submission any number of times before the deadline.

Anonymous Submissions

COMSOC does not require anonymous submissions, but this is allowed (e.g., in case you want to comply with anonymity requirements of other conferences, or for any other reason). In order to support this, the reviewing system is anonymous, but authors can write their names, as is done usually in camera-ready versions. Authors that do not wish to do so will maintain their anonymity.

Important dates

  • April 7: Submissions open
  • May 8: Full paper submission deadline
  • July 15: Paper notification
  • August 15: Deadline for conference registration
  • September 17-19: COMSOC conference

Information on submitting papers

  • Submission site: CMT